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To stay sane and healthy in academia, it's crucial to make a clean cut at the end of your workday for a smooth transition from work to private life. Here are my tips on how to achieve this.
There is a misalignment between traditional productivity metrics and the true nature of academic work, creating unnecessary stress and friction. We must rethink how we measure productivity in academia. Here are my thoughts.
Having a morning routine is one of the most powerful productivity habits that you can acquire. Don't worry, you don’t have to get up at 5 p.m. A morning routine is what you do in your very first part of your working day. The idea is, how you start the day will define how the rest of your day is going to be. Set yourself off in the right direction.
Eat the frog is a powerful productivity technique, which suggests that you should do your most difficult and important task (your ugly frog) first thing in the morning; everything after that is much easier. This is incredibly powerful if you are able to make it a habit.
The Pomodoro Technique is great way to break down taunting project in smaller pieces. Here are my tips on how you can use it to your advantage in your academic work.
The Pareto Principle (also know as the 80/20 rule) shows up everywhere. Try to look for it. It can help you to identify the most important tasks you should focus on. They are the ones that provide the most leverage. They have the most impact. This is also true the other way around. Avoid tasks that don’t give you leverage as much as possible.
Here are my tips on how to use the Pareto Principle in academia.
Music and sound in general can be powerful tools to improve your productivity. Here I share my tricks on how to use them to turn a day around, to focus, to relax and how to get into the flow.
Affinity Designer is a powerhouse for vector graphics, packed with features. Here are my top three go-to tricks that enhance my workflow.
A list of free ambient noise generators that can help you to focus, get into the flow, and relax.
AppleScript and Alfred workflow to move Omnifocus tasks to random dates (just like in the the iOS version).
AppleScript and Alfred workflow to change the number of days shown in Calendar's week view.
Giving presentations is about engaging the audience and making connections. Here are my tips on how to design and deliver great talks.
Little workflow that counts words, characters, and paragraphs in any application.
Simple Alfred workflow with an AppleScript that allows you to move task quickly to a point in time after your vacations or a deadline. You can easily adapt it without any programming skills whatsoever.
It is easier to remember a couple of rules than hundreds of snippets.
I show you my power tips on how you can use nvALT in academia. The possibilities are limitless.
Tips and trick to deal with time zones. Great webpages, Alfred workflows and how to let Fantastical do the work.
Alfred 2 has, among so many other great features, the possibility to search directly in the web from the Alfred task window. Here is a list of great ways to use this search function and how to define your own customized searches.
Workflow to get your LaTeX-style equations onto your Keynote slides
Here I share a couple of tricks, TextExpander snippets, AppleScripts, and an Alfred 2 workflow that allow you to defer your tasks in Omnifocus quickly with the keyboard.
Here is a little AppleScript that you can use to prepare your laptop before starting a presentation (e.g., mute volume, switch off unnecessary programs, etc.). You can easily extent and adapt it.
Do you want to be more productive and have much less stress? Here I gave an introduction to Getting Things Done (by David Allen), which can make you remarkably productive with being much more relaxed at the same time.
The rule of three is a highly effective productivity technique. It’s all about focusing on three daily goals, which tie into three weekly goals. Those, in turn, connect to three monthly goals, which come from your three big yearly goals. Little by little, you’ll make steps towards reaching your goals!